• Pardon the dust while the boys rebuild the site.

    The board will be in a state of disarray as I get things sorted out, for a little while at least.

    The new incarnation is using Xenforo as the system software. It is much like what we are used to, with a few differences. I will see about making a FAQ to help point out the differences for the members.


    One IMPORTANT difference for all of us old timers is that the 'mail' system is replaced with what are called 'conversations'/

    There is no 'Inbox' or 'Out box' or 'Sent' folders anymore.

    Think of Conversations as private 'threads' or topics that don't exist in a forum, that you start with another member. NOTE: Conversations can include more than one member if you or someone else in the conversaion, likes.
    Takes a little getting used to but I am sure you all can get a hang of it.


    Only a slightly modified default default Xenforo style is available for now. Once the new SAG style is ready it will be available.

    All existing users should be able to login with their usernames and passwords once the site goes up.


    If anyone has difficulties logging in please contact me at sixthvanguard@gmail.com.


    Thank you for your support and patience. I know it has been a loooong road.

Search results

  1. budro65

    Ranger "Capt" 1944

    There has been alot of Captain Millers done and I also needed to add one to my collection! I just finished up this guy a few weeks ago. Such a great character and a fantastic movie! For me,, the best WWII movie! Jay
  2. budro65

    "Somewhere in the ETO" The BIG Red One

    I really loved this movie The Big Red One, its one of my favourites! I don't know how many times I have watched it? I wanted to portray a soldier of this division somewhere in the ETO and this guy has been on my work table for a very long time! Finally got him all finished up! Since I don't like...
  3. budro65

    " We got 'em on the run" Royal Winnipeg Rifles 1944

    Boy, it's been so long since I posted anything I almost forgot how to!! Anyways, here is a Canuck I finally finished up. He has been a work in progress for such a long time and I am now done with him. I just could not seem to get him done. I have always loved this sculpt from Tony and I wanted...
  4. budro65

    Royal Winnipeg Rifles WIP

    Seems like these days all I have is work in progress figures!! This soldier is from the Royal Winnipeg Rifles and when he is all finished will be circa 1944. I finally found some correct battledress for him and I also used Tony Bartons BRILLIANT tutorial and made my own webbing with the use of...
  5. budro65

    "Big Red One" wip

    It's been awhile since I have been able to do much in the 1/6th world lately, but I managed to get a little work done while I was home for awhile. I have been "muckin" with this guy for quite sometime and decided to finally put some work into him. I was going for a very young looking GI who has...
  6. budro65

    "Jake McNiece" Filthy 13 Re-done

    I was thrilled when this figure came out. I knew he had alot of potential and just needed a few tweaks here and there. For this figure I probably put more time into him than any other figure I have ever done. I wanted to keep everything Soldier Story, or as much as I could. I swapped out the uni...
  7. budro65

    Iwo Jima 1945

    Hello guys and a happy belated New years! Here is a basic marine from the opening days of Iwo Jima. I did not go heavy on the weathering as this is D-day and he is in the first wave. All items are a mix of DiD, SS, and Bbi. The headsculpt is from Tony Barton. The base I made and it was hard to...
  8. budro65

    "With The Old Breed" Peleliu 1944

    After really enjoying the series "The Pacific" I seemed to get the marine bug. The 3 episodes covering the battle of Peleliu really struck a nerve and I was fascinated with the battle and Eugene Sledges book "With The Old Breed. This marine consists of the following: TB sculpt Dml carbine...
  9. budro65

    Vassili Zaitsev "Hero of the Soviet Union"

    Zaitsev was born in Yeleninskoye and grew up in the Ural Mountains. His surname is based on the Russian word zayats (заяц) meaning "hare". Before serving at Stalingrad, Vasily served in the Soviet Navy as a clerk in Vladivostok but upon reading about the brutality of the fighting in Stalingrad...
  10. budro65

    101st "Screamin Eagle" Lt

    Hi guys! Been a long time since I posted anything as I don't have any 1/6th time in the summer. Well, summer is almost over and I have a way to many figures in the unfinished section of my hobby room! Just put the finishing touches on this guy and put him on one of the generic DML bases that...
  11. budro65

    "Pathfinder" 1944

    Here is a figure I did awhile back, but was never really happy with him. I did make a few changes and added a TB headsculpt. I wanted this guy to look a little battle weary with that hundred yard stare look. The uniform toook me a long time and I think I have it down now with the colors etc etc...
  12. budro65


    Just finished this guy up before xmas and decided to leave him as is for now. With the SS marine coming I decided to stop and wait for those excellent looking leggings and shelter half. That SS marine does look good! And for pacific theater fans like myself this has been long overdue. This...
  13. budro65

    1st Canadian Para 1944

    I have been experimenting with wood bases latley and I wanted to spruce them up abit. The base is home made out of good old Western Canadian Maple. I have attached a WWII 1st Canadian cap badge to the base which I think really sets off the base nicely. Of course that is just my humble biased...
  14. budro65

    A big thanks to SAG!!

    I just wanted to thank the SAG staff for the excellent 3rd place figure I received. It was a Human Wave "Walenty Pokidanski" A GREAT figure! Thanks guys!! budro 65
  15. budro65

    Bloody Tarawa "Betio has fallen" 1943 D+3

    Here is my version of a Tarawa marine on Nov 23 1943 D+3. As most know and who have read about this battle it must have been unimaginable! I wanted to depict a marine who has fought for 3 days on that bloody atoll. I chose a Tony Barton headsculpt for this figure and I tried to capture a very...
  16. budro65

    THIRD PLACE - budro 65 Entry

    "Bloody Tarawa" -Tarawa marine -Nov 23rd 1943. D+3
  17. budro65

    82nd Airborne 1944 "Prejump"

    I have been wanting to do a 82nd captain for awhile now and I think the release of the new SS and DiD medics got me inspired too finish this figure. There are a number of things that are a little wrong such as the mussette bag hung the wrong way and I am not 100% sure of the garrison cap? I just...
  18. budro65

    D-day No4 British Commando 1944

    Here is a guy that has been on my work table for a very long time and finally finished him up for the OSS contest. I did not weather him to much as he has not seen any action just yet. Everything is pretty much DML all repainted and weathered and newline boots and a TB headsculpt. I also used a...
  19. budro65

    Russian Naval Infantryman 1944

    I have been experimenting with a few Russians lately and they are a real joy to put together. The only problem is that my knowledge of the Russian army is pretty limited, but I am learning. This guy is pretty much all Dml except for the TB headsculpt and DiD boots and PPsh which has been sanded...
  20. budro65

    82nd Airborne "All American" 1944 FINISHED

    Being that I am somewhat of an 82nd fanatic, I wanted to portray an 82nd as he would have been in 1944. Everything on this guy is pretty much DiD including the HS. I kept the Stiner helmet as well since this guy would have seen action in Sicily as well. I also wanted t give him a grease gun as...