This project started way back in January when I fist got the trailer set up and the bench built, the ground had to have some differing elevation so I built up the bench with styrofoam and wood boxes, once I had it close I covered the whole thing with a mesh netting followed by a layer of plaster then sand as a basic ground cover, then I started building, the building is just over 9 feet long, the original building is located in the black forest of Germany, close to the house I built last year, I found pictures of it online while I was looking for pictures of the house, it was originally built in 1808, it's very primitive which is what drew me too it and there is very little steel used in it's construction, the main frame was built using massive timbers, I was lucky to find some rough plans so I had the basics, it's been a long project that is finally nearing completion, I've started covering the roof with somewheres around 5,000 shingles!
When it's all done it will operate under it own power from water pumped from a reservoir under the table to a pond which hasn't been built yet, and fed back to the water wheel through a plume made out of a hollowed out logs, which I hope to get done before winter sets in!

When it's all done it will operate under it own power from water pumped from a reservoir under the table to a pond which hasn't been built yet, and fed back to the water wheel through a plume made out of a hollowed out logs, which I hope to get done before winter sets in!